Crash with Mods
Cicopath opened this issue · 2 comments
Minecraft version: 1.18.2
Forge: 40.2.10
Rubidium: 0.5.6
Rhino: 1802.2.21 build 255
Oculus: 1.6.4
Phosphophyllite: 0.6.0-beta-1.6
Quartz: 0.0.0-beta-1.4
Malum: 1.5.1-20 (previously used before changing Lodestone version)
Given the graphical issue with Lodestone, Rubidium, and Quartz, Lodestone version seems to have fixed the issue. When adding Malum version 1.5.1-20 to the mods folder, however, my game crashes before loading. (Using https://maven.blamejared.com/com/sammy/malum/malum/ for reference.)
Crash log: https://pastebin.com/y5WLj3EV
Hold on I'm so dumb, it requires Curios as a dependency 😭Let me see if that fixes it.
May likely be something related to the other mods, though, since the game did not even reach the title screen before crashing.