Logistics Pipes

Logistics Pipes


Crafting modules still not (fully) re-requesting after bugfix

ArmaWizard opened this issue ยท 1 comments


After the fix from:


The crafting modules work alot better, they now actively re-request. But on large recipes it still forgets to re-request when its on the last step or close to the end. Note also that the re-requesting fix only impacted crafting modules and not on a pipe.

Setup to replicate this is to fully craft supremium seeds from mystical agriculture. The logistics crafting table gets full but it keeps re-requesting. After a while when it is at the last step it misses 4 stacks of infernium essence and never re-requests them again.


This sounds more like a problem with the space checking algorithm than anything else. That probably causes the requesting algorithm to run into a timeout and then it will no longer re-request items.