Logistics Pipes

Logistics Pipes


2 Active suplier canceling each other out?

eicher30 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello i am not quite sure what my problem is...

But i am Playing FTB Interactions and have a Canola Chicken that feeds in a Thermal Fundation Cache.
Now i have 2 Machines that requier the Canila Produced by the chicken the cache has an Provider Pipe attached,
The 2 Machines a Logistik Chasie MK1 and an Aktive supplier Module.

Now the issue is that only one of the machines pulls the canola and the oter Machine thats further away doesnt get anny also when we try to order Canola from the Request terminal we never get the full ordered ammount but the order gets canceled as soon as machine number 1 requests Canola.

we tried to switch out the mk1 for Supplier pipes and teh Provider pipe vor a mk 1 with an Provider module which both did not help at all.

I am not sure if this is intendet behavior or i am missing something ore if it is a bug but i hope you can help me with the problem since it makes Logisitic pipes nearly unusable for me even tho i just love the concept of the mod :)