Logistics Pipes

Logistics Pipes


Logisticpipes but more logical [Suggestion/Guide] (Read this if you have issues with itemsinks being too picky)

NLBlackEagle opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello everyone and ultimately the author to which this is addressed,

I am not sure how to put this except then just going straight to the point without any offense intended. Little disclaimer, I kind of like the added complexity even though having to go into creative mode to figure it out was a bit emmersion breaking.

Addressed to Author:
Usually the way to go however is to start with a simple design. In this case, a pipe that sorts items based on the simplest form the item comes in: "mod:id" like the basic routing pipe. The next step would be E.G. Enchantments which would be fine with doing a step up, like having it as a module. And you might think now: "But that is exactly as it works". This however makes having the item sorter sort the metadata and tags seperately a bit weird as it feels like it should actually be a step up rather then "Make a module to make it more default". I am refering to the fussy module in this case.

Addressed to: The "How would I go about simple sorting?" Group ;)
So, as the above part being the part that the mod author understands since he was the creator I'd now like to explain a solution to the ocasional reader. If you want to sort items but not want to sort them based on enchantments or quality like QualityTools ( Source: https://rlcraft.fandom.com/wiki/Reforging_Station_(Quality_Tools) ) then;

  1. Make or grab yourself the following materials;
  • A buildcraft Wrench.
  • A fuzzy upgrade
  • 1 module upgrade
  • 1 item sink module and 1 extraction module.
  • a compass for a immersive extraction configuration ;)
  • a Logistics Power Junction and 3 chests.
  • some way of powering the power junction ( i use EU from a very dangerous IC2 reactor that may ruin this guide at any given
    time )
  • 3 Basic Logistic Pipes
  • 2 MK1 pipes or better (for extraction and sorting).
  1. Place the pipes, the 3 chests, the power junction in the following order: ( The red pipe is the extraction pipe, the middle one the sorting chest and the right one will be the default route. Also figure out what way the red pipe is facing into the extraction chest. ( For me it's south. Example: https://prnt.sc/we7noh

  2. Grab your module upgrades and right click once on the mk1 pipe attached to the sorting chest which is the middle one. ( This is to make it so the sorting chest accepts the fussy upgrade. )

  3. Right click the pipe attached to the right chest with your buildcraft wrench and make sure DEFAULT ROUTE is selected to YES.
    Example: https://prnt.sc/we7pye

  4. Now grab your item sink module and right click on E.G. a stone block to open its inventory. I've decided to use the chest to sort all my radiation suits as i feel like they should be close. Example: https://prnt.sc/we7sha

  5. right click the center chest attached pipe with the module and it should magically dissapear from your inventory and end up in the pipe module inventory ( You can confirm this by right clicking the pipe with a wrench. )

  6. Right click the same pipe with a buildcraft wrench and place the FUZZY upgrade in a upgrade slot to the right. Example: https://prnt.sc/we7xr8

  7. In the same screen click on the exlamation mark on the right and you'll see a window with your configured items pop up.

  8. If you hover over an item you will see two lines appear that are usually not there. They read as IGN dependant on the size of the item info tab. if you move your cursor down a bit you will be able to see the full names which say: Ignore Dagta and Ignore NBT. Make sure you set every item to Ignore Data (Red) and ignore NBT (GREEN) Example: https://prnt.sc/we7zy4

  9. Make abolutely sure all items are green and red and not white like shown in this example: https://prnt.sc/we80ln

  10. Carefully read step 10 again ( No I am not a troll, I am also a mod author ;)

  11. Make a crazy set of items that always seem to sort wrongly... Like I have "Crumbling" tagged hazmat boots configured in the itemsink (https://prnt.sc/we831j) and a speedy set of boots in my inventory (https://prnt.sc/we83hn)

  12. Grab your extraction module and right click a block like you did with the item sink module to configure it. Now select the direction the pipe is facing into the chest ( South for me like shown in step 1. ) Example: https://prnt.sc/we89ws

  13. Right click the extraction pipe ( pipe attached to left chest ) with your extraction module.

  14. Place the speedy (or any other, like enchanted) boots in the chest and you'll see it goes straight for the sorting chest ;)

  15. Hurray! Only 80 or so more chests to go for my playthrough haha. Hope this little guide helped you a bit.


I think its weird that the pipe sorts very precicely by default while I feel like very precicely should be a step up and "bulk normal" should be the default one. Nevertheless I really do like this mod as none other seem to go as in depth but with lack of proper explaination I can understand a lot of people giving up on sorting it out and just stop using the mod alltogether.

It's a lengthy suggestion, mainly because of the guide though but as a mod author myself I like good, constructive feedback on what I make because there is always room for improvement :)