[BUG] releaseSpriteFramesCache causes log spam while Optifine loads things
G1ll0u opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Here's a bug report! :
I use Optifine mainly for connected textures, I know I shouldn't but life is life.
Just before main menu, my log is spammed (+50 000lines) for about 15sec with this error msg :
[Client thread/INFO] [STDERR]: [mirror.normalasm.client.sprite.FramesTextureData:load:167]: at net.minecraft.client.renderer.texture.TextureAtlasSprite.func_110970_k(TextureAtlasSprite.java:349)
while spamming, client seems to freeze, it happens right before main menu.
It makes freeze my Launcher (PrismLauncher) too.
I tried disabling "B:releaseSpriteFramesCache". Error disappeared, loading is faster. (And the game seems rendering faster but i'm not sure)
Here is my debug log of 135'000 lines that didn't fit on mclo.gs :
I'm using resource pack "Conquest Reforged" that has a lot of Optifine specific things.
I'm using Complementary Shaders v4.7.2 (I know it doesn't help but I never know)
Reported to official repo w/ more details.
I did a mistake, I first created a ticket in FermiumASM repo and this last response wasn't for this ticket but for this one.
So i re-open it.
sorry, I'm mentally ill