


Incompatibility if using HEI and Resource Hogs simultaneously in Skyfactory 4

Alleop5 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


I'm using Skyfactory 4 with LoliASM, HEI and Mixinbooter. I disabled JEI
Something causes a null pointer in Resource Hogs, if I disable LoliASM or switch HEI for JEI it won't crash Resource Hogs
mclo.gs/uKF27bp - LoliASM crash log
mclo.gs/h2ITYUp - Full crash log

Things I've done:
I've tried VintageFix, but for the log I tried as little mods as possible to not blame it on the wrong mod
I've tried reinstalling the modpack multiple times
I've tried removing FoamFix
I've tried removing Resource Hogs - Yes, this fixes it, but I would like to have the vanilla skyfactory experience

Note: While this is technically also a Resource Hogs issue since it should check for null, LoliASM / HEI is giving it that null

Thanks in advance, sorry if I come over rude
