Just a crash
LightDimf opened this issue · 13 comments
Some strange crash every time I try to load a game with loliasm 2.0.1:
At first I had crashes with MisticalLib, but I deleted it (and mod related to it) and now I have that issue.
Also crash-report have some russian words for some reason, so "опустошение стека" == "stack underflow", and "метод" == "method".
Do you have the full log?
For now, use the 2.0.1 build and turn off bakedQuadsSquasher
in the config and it should run.
Here is the full log:
Without bakedQuadsSquasher
everything works fine.
Could you try launching with a Hotspot installation? I just fixed an OpenJ9 bug and wondering if the VerifyError
is because of OpenJ9 too.
Probably the same type of crash as it: https://paste.dimdev.org/ebowuwokit.mccrash
Full log: https://paste.dimdev.org/jekuketora.md
Feel like I've seen this exact error in dev before, but a long time ago. Some other coremod might be redirecting BakedQuads too. Gonna try see what coremods are common in your logs.
Never mind, fix coming in a bit; though I'm still unsure how this doesn't crash in my environments...
@LightDimf @ChromaPIE try this build and get back to me (zipped because github doesn't allow jars):
Now there is a crash with CodeChickenLib on loading a world:
Ah, I don't think Optifine is compatible at the moment, its not a crash with CCL. I will investigate but it would be hard as OF is closed source.