Lootr (Fabric)

Lootr (Fabric)


Check Here First! Known Incompatibilities/Active Pull Requests

noobanidus opened this issue ยท 59 comments



  • Ocean ruins are non-functional: #48
  • Chest minecarts are no longer being converted: #47


Awaiting merge/discussion:

Partially merged/may require additional PR:

  • None

Currently merged and awaiting verification of release:

Merged and released:

Independently Resolved

Will most likely never be compatible

  • Futurepack uses extensive custom coding to generate their loot chests with loot in them, bypassing the Vanilla system. Without a significant change to this system (which I'm not willing to try to implement, not am I even sure if they are interested in having implemented), it is not possible in the slightest for there to be compatibility.
  • Dungeons Gear uses a complex system of mixnis that I have no desire to navigate.

If the mod you've found as being not compatible with Lootr isn't listed here, please comment on this issue. Include screenshots wherever possible.

Alternately, you can post in the #lootr-incompatible channel on my Discord.


Ice and Fire


Ice and Fire

So this was discussed on my Discord in late May. Do you have a screenshot of the specific chests that aren't being converted?


Ice and Fire

So this was discussed on my Discord in late May. Do you have a screenshot of the specific chests that aren't being converted?

2021-07-18_18 38 52
2021-07-18_18 45 19

Just a few that have no changed over, but its the same for the other ice and fire stuff


Hm, that's interesting.

Can you enable the logging functionality that spits out a message when it encounters a chest that it can't convert? If those don't specifically show up, it means they don't actually have a loot table associated with them and are instead generated with the loot manually -- which means they're not something I can add integration for. :/


I have found that End Remastered does not seem to lootr their chests.


I'll try to work on these issues this week, especially the Vanilla ones.


Hello i've noticed that minecart chests in vanilla mineshafts as well as in YUNG's better mineshafts don't get replaced by Lootr chests in one of my test worlds. 1st pic is in vanilla mineshaft, 2nd pic in YUNG's better mineshaft and 3rd pic is my mod list.
2021-08-23_13 24 52
2021-08-23_13 21 15


Is the Mineshaft replacement perhaps disabled?


I just checked both lootr & bettermineshaft config files and all settings were left at default values. I have all "convert_xyz" options set to true. What could be the issue then i wonder? I could try to enable report_tables and check again.


Is this happening with just Lootr & Better Mineshafts?


Hmm, that's odd. Neither the log or chat is throwing out any errors regarding minecart chests not getting replaced...
But to answer your question: So far the only chests i know of that don't get replaced by Lootr in my WIP modpack are Ice & Fire chests in dragon roosts & dragon caves, the chests in Dungeon Crawl dungeons and the minecart chests.

Edit: i just realised what you meant by just Lootr and Better Mineshafts... lmao i'm stupid. Gimme a few minutes, i'm gonna test it on a fresh install with just those 2 mods!


Ok, i can confirm it's still happening on a fresh install with only YUNG's better mineshafts and Lootr installed with no config edits whatsoever. What i find weird though is that buried treasure chests now work fine. They were completely broken in my WIP modpack, couldn't be opened at all and didn't have the change in texture.


Some recent changes may have broken NBT-based structures.


something is wrong with the buried_treasure, I can't open the chest AND the server tell me "block entity invalid"


MC: 1.16.5
Forge: 36.2.2

What other mods are you running?


It appears as though the loot chest tile entity is being replaced but the chest block itself isn't.




something is wrong with the buried_treasure, I can't open the chest AND the server tell me "block entity invalid"


MC: 1.16.5
Forge: 36.2.2


something is wrong with the buried_treasure, I can't open the chest AND the server tell me "block entity invalid"

MC: 1.16.5
Forge: 36.2.2

I am having the same issue but with Vanilla drowned ruins. same versions of Forge, MC & Lootr.


@ArMoReDfUrY weird is: I blacklisted "buried_treasure" and somehow it work now. xD


@ArMoReDfUrY weird is: I blacklisted "buried_treasure" and somehow I work now. xD

i tried the blacklist for the underwater_ruins_big/small with no change. still got a failed convert message and chests are non interactive.


Twilight Forest ..

Twilight Forest isn't getting any updates for 1.16.5 unless it's a dupe bug or something otherwise critical. When mixins become available for 1.17.1 and Lootr is ported, I'll do a PR then.


The pack is not in a good condition, we updated the pack with some recent updates.

I can give you a curse forge export later today (+13h from this post time)

No worries, just whenever. I'm not sure I'll be able to have time to look at it. I'm also curious if the buried treasure thing is still happening as of The other commentor mentioned drowned ruins which was an actual bug (I was missing a ! at an essential point), but as far as I can tell in my testing the buried treasure works properly.

I may re-test with quark to see if it's some odd quirk of quark.


Ok, i can confirm it's still happening on a fresh install with only YUNG's better mineshafts and Lootr installed with no config edits whatsoever. What i find weird though is that buried treasure chests now work fine. They were completely broken in my WIP modpack, couldn't be opened at all and didn't have the change in texture.

Apologies for the delay, the most recent release, fixes both this and the issue with ocean structures, all of which were very simple errors that I should've picked up on. My bad!


@TheSnowyChickens Apologies for the delay. Do you have an export of this pack? I haven't been able to reproduce it locally with just Lootr.


Dungeons Gear

There is absolutely no way to support this. They mixin to containers and minecarts to manually do stuff.

When Dungeons Arise

This mod is All Rights Reserved. You'll have to open an issue with them and ask them to make sure they use the static method LockableLootTileEntity::setLootTable rather than the instance member method.


I have found that End Remastered does not seem to lootr their chests.

I've filed a PR with them for it.


The pack is not in a good condition, we updated the pack with some recent updates.

I can give you a curse forge export later today (+13h from this post time)


Download link:
(163mb because stupid curse forge)


Autumnity's "maple_witch_hut" is currently not working :(



Autumnity's "maple_witch_hut" is currently not working :(


Please report this to Autumnity. This line needs to change to LockableLootTileEntity.setLootTable's static method.


I've created a PR for Autumnity.


When Dungeons Arise

This mod is All Rights Reserved. You'll have to open an issue with them and ask them to make sure they use the static method LockableLootTileEntity::setLootTable rather than the instance member method.

This appears to use NBT structure pieces and the Jigsaw system, and should be supported automatically.


The mod Eidolon is missing Lootr compat :) I was incorrect, all good!


So as far as I can tell, Eidolon uses NBT values in the structure, there's no reason why Lootr shouldn't be catching them. I guess it's possible something else is interfering? (Perhaps Quark?)


I'll do a thorough check this evening :)


That's fine! I can understand the confusion.


Eidolon structures are working just fine with Lootr, my bad ^^'


I think Mana and Artifice actually has problems with this too, they are not converted.


I've seen screenshots of a specific Mana & Artifice building not being converted properly -- I believe it was a village one?


Yes, it was an outdoor villager workstation.


I'll need to look into it further as it's the only one that isn't functioning properly, as far as I can tell.


Ice and Fire Dragon Mod please


Thanks, I'll look into this!


The only issue with Ice and Fire that I seen that one structure (kinda common structure) has a custom chest type. The other structures where they generate chests seemed fine for me.


Unfortunately, if it's a custom chest type I've not yet implemented an API for support those yet.


Quark has chests inside of these pillars of obsidian in the nether; they are not being converted to lootr chests.

Edit: I don't know if there are other chests in quark, I am currently checking.


Oh thanks! I'll check those out.


@yftechno I've submitted a PR for the obsidian pillars. You can check for other instances basically by looking for setLootTable.


@noobanidus I was wrong about Ice and Fire; There are some non-custom chests in it that I forgot about; that generate in a non-locateable location (cyclops dens, and maybe dragon dens, forgot to look there).


Shrines Structures doesn't have compatibility with Lootr

2021-03-11_15 55 04


I asked the Shrines dev to add compatibility and they've done it so you can cross it off the list.



I PRd the fixes for Apotheosis (Placebo), YUNG's, Dim Dungeons, and Dungeons Plus for 1.15.2. Hopefully they'll all accept (got confirmation from all except Dungeons Plus so far. Could be helpful to edit the original post saying those fixes have been backported :O


Twilight Forest ..


Oh, one I actually can do something about!


Inventory Pets and Nugget's Dungeons II

ALTHOUGH Nugget's seems to have specific loot in their chests, so I don't know if they use a loot table, which might kill the integration with this mod.


With regards to Inventory Pets, they also manually inject loot. There's nothing I can do about it. Shrines, I can.