Lootr (Fabric)

Lootr (Fabric)


Dungeon Crawl incompatible as of 1.6.15-2.3.2

jackyboy1992 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


so ive got a pack that's got dungeon crawl in it but none of the chests that spawn are being changed to the lootr ones


What version of Minecraft, Lootr, Dungeon Crawl, etc?

Can you turn the debug option on in Lootr and upload a copy of your latest log after exploring a new Dungeon Crawl structure?


ok so im on
minecraft 1.16.5
lootr 1.16.5-
dungeon crawl 1.16.5-2.3.2
but im unsure how to turn on the debug option so cant give you the results just yet


Like I said, it's possible something's changed recently with Dungeon Crawl to make these not function properly.

  1. If you open the lootr-common.toml config on the server (in the config folder) or your client if you're running in single-player, look for the following section:
#catches loot chest creation that this mod cannot convert, reporting the loot table, location and mod
report_tables = false
  1. Change false to true and then relaunch.

  2. Once you've done that, start a new world in creative mode, then use /locate dungeoncrawl (it should allow you to autocomplete with the tab key) to find one of the structures, explore it in spectator mode.

  3. Post the latest.log file from your logs folder (same directory as the config folder) on https://gist.github.com and link it here.


Yep, looks like the loot-table setting method changed in 2.3. I'll try to work on a PR for it today.

Issue on their github: xyroc/DungeonCrawl#81


Referenced the wrong issue number, whoops.


I've created a PR (xyroc/DungeonCrawl#93) to address this.