Lootr (Fabric)

Lootr (Fabric)


Forge 1.19.2 Lootr - Create mechanism destroy lootr barrel/chests/shulkers.

kitovoi111 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Forge 1.19.2 Lootr - Create mod mechanism destroy lootr barrel/chests/shulkers.


Previously, lootr didn't break, but now they do. You broke something in the mod update.


As far as I'm aware, and the last time this was brought up last year (on my Discord), this was controlled through Create's tags system, likely [https://github.com/Creators-of-Create/Create/blob/mc1.19/0.5.1/src/generated/resources/data/create/tags/blocks/non_movable.json](this tag).

With regards to the drill, I'm not entirely sure what part of Create controls it.

As I said at that time, unfortunately I can't control what other mods do with Lootr blocks. You'll need to investigate how Create handles these blocks, etc.