biantwin opened this issue · 2 comments
I am unable to read Chinese so I may have misunderstood your issue.
Your error is with Lootr and Slash Blade being installed together, but I do not understand what the error is. Can you please show the error message or the crash report that you receive when these two mods are installed together?
您的错误是 Lootr 和 Slash Blade 一起安装,但我不明白错误是什么。您能否出示这两个 mod 一起安装时收到的错误消息或崩溃报告?
这两个mod同时安装时并不会报错,只是拔刀剑重锋这个mod在进行替换Special Effect这个操作时原本是会共存的,但是装载了lootr之后概率出现新的se把旧的顶替的问题,而删除lootr之后就可以解决这个问题,所以我怀疑这两个mod之间有一些冲突