Lotta Terracotta

Lotta Terracotta


Latest CF build contains a SweetConcrete class, causing crashes

malte0811 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


lottaterracotta-1.18.2-1.4.jar (latest build on CF) contains org.villainy.sweetconcrete.helper.Shape, which can cause strange crashes like this. I assume the class is either left over from debugging or it's some really weird build system issue.


Hi @malte0811. Thanks for your report! I've uploaded a new version 1.4.1. Can you try that and let me know whether it fixes the crash for you?


I didn't get the crash myself, @brisingraerowing mentioned a weird crash and I didn't have anything better to do than looking into it. The new file looks like it should be fine (doesn't have SweetConcrete classes), so I'll close this.


I'll test the new file when I get to my computer. Might be a bit.