Can't unset a permission.
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I uninstalled a plugin (ChatControl Pro) and want to remove a permission, so here's the details:
>lp group administrator permission info
[14:14:19 INFO]: [LP] administrator's Permissions: (page 1 of 1 - 6 entries)
[14:14:19 INFO]: > chatcontrol.groups.* (false)
[14:14:19 INFO]: > griefprevention.* (false)
[14:14:19 INFO]: > '*' (true)
[14:14:19 INFO]: > griefprevention.admin (true)
[14:14:19 INFO]: > vanish.joinvanished (false)
[14:14:19 INFO]: > vanish.silentjoin (false)
>lp group administrator permission unset chatcontrol.groups.*
[14:14:40 INFO]: [LP] Unset chatcontrol.groups.* for administrator in context global.
[14:14:40 INFO]: [LP] [Sql Messaging] Sending log with id: [big-ass number]
[14:14:43 INFO]: [LP] [Sql Messaging] Sending ping with id: [big-ass number]
>lp group administrator permission info
[14:14:46 INFO]: [LP] administrator's Permissions: (page 1 of 1 - 6 entries)
[14:14:46 INFO]: > chatcontrol.groups.* (false)
[14:14:46 INFO]: > griefprevention.* (false)
[14:14:46 INFO]: > '*' (true)
[14:14:46 INFO]: > griefprevention.admin (true)
[14:14:46 INFO]: > vanish.joinvanished (false)
[14:14:46 INFO]: > vanish.silentjoin (false)
The permission still remains after the unset command appeared to succeed.
What do you mean by clear the context completely? (For what it's worth, unset worked on every other group.) I'll export/import, but still curious.