


Permissions won't take effect

PsyKiere opened this issue Β· 10 comments



First of all, I have to tell you that I am new to this plugin and to this universe.
I have read the wiki, and tried to set it up for the first time today.

I have a spigot minecraft 1.12.2 server with LuckPerms 4.0.18.

I managed to give myself permission to use the plugin : /lp user x permission set luckperms.* true
But I can't figure out why other permissions won't work
(I deopped myself)

I tried : /lp user x permission set essentials.home false
But I was still able to use the command /home

I also tried : /lp user x permission set minecraft.command.xp true
But didn't work either, even though the output indicate that the permission has been set.

Also, I made no change to the config file

Thank you for your concern


hi im do permisions in luck perm and for one time work next time join and write im don't hace acces what me do?


Any reason you’re not using the latest version?


Ow, I used the latest available on my host's panel, I will upload the latest one manually and get back to you


So, I updated, and deleted all old settings for the plugin.
Tried again, but exactly the same happenned.
I changed storage to yaml to have acccess :

name: Pierre
primary-group: default

  • luckperms.*
  • essentials.back:
    value: false
  • essentials.back.ondeath:
    value: false
  • essentials.home:
    value: false
  • minecraft.command.xp
  • default

Only the - luckperms.* works
I tried setting the same permissions to the default group.
I tried also /lp user x permission set essentials.* false
But still have access to it's commands. (unset the permission then)


Are you sure that you de-opped yourself and could it be that you have the * permissions perhaps? If not could it be the case that the group default gives you access to the Essentials commands?

If this isn't the case then you could try and do /lp verbose on userName, you then execute the command you want to check such as /home, now that verbose is turned on it will tell you exactly which permissions it checks and whether they returned true or false, this way you can figure out where the fault might be (aka which permission is returning true instead of false).

Also quick reminder that you can do /lp group groupName permission list and /lp user userName permission list to get group/user permissions. To get a user's parents/groups do /lp user userName listgroups.

P.s. To turn off verbose logging do /lp verbose off.


Thanks Argetan for your answer.
I turned on verbose and managed to set permission true to /xp (by setting it true to essentials.exp.* instead of minecraft.command.xp)
But when I use /back or /home, I get no return from verbose.


can i give you a suggestion? make at least 2 groups. preferably 3 or 4 groups. default is the group that anyone joining will get. you dont' want every rando have that kind of access.

"default", give it weight.10
"member" give it weight.20, and that it inherits its parent default
"moderator" give it weight.30, and that it inherits its parent member
"admin" give it weight.40, and that it inherits its parent moderator

group "default" should have no, or very few, permissions.
such as, help, einfo, msg, whatever you deem basic necessary for a new join to have out of the box.

set your personal username's group to "admin", and it should have all permissions
such as luckperms.*
and essentials.*
and minecraft.command.*
and whatever else youre using.

this will save you so much headache later, and at least get you started on a bare minimum best practices model that you can adjust and expand later.

PS one thing that gave me some fits, was certain basic commands that you think are vanilla minecraft, are taken over by Essentials with the same alias. you may think you're calling a minecraft command, but youre actually calling an Essentials command

PPS be sure to get familiar with the /lp user parent set command, and use it to test, by setting your personal username to various groups to be sure that you have permissions set the way you think you do. also, avoid giving individual users (even, and especially yourself) specific permissions, except in very rare situations. this will cause you much confusion if you've given yourself, say "essentials.*" permission and then go to test the "default" or "member" group perms.

The only individual perm i actually give myself is "luckperms.*", that's to my individual accounts, and i have removed it from admin, because i dont want ANYONE except me having full access to perms no matter how much i trust them, and it also allows me to pop in and out of various groups for testing without having to go into the console


@PsyKiere when you use /back or /home whilst opped do they work then? If not you might want to update Essentials as I'm starting to think the issue lies there. Also, keep in mind that some Essential commands/features require you to have separate Jars such as Essentials-Spawn-XXX.jar

The latest version of all Essential Jars can be found here.


Thank you Argetan, it finally worked by updating Essentials.
I had 2.0.1 and upgraded to
Sorry for the bother, I should have upgraded before.
Thanks !


Stop using this fucking luckperms . Its broken and annoying as fuck. Switch to permsissionsEx