Can't get LuckPermsBungee working
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I've installed it on my BungeeCord server, and have it in my Spigot server as well. I've set some permissions in LPB, as following:
>lpb group admin permission info
14:24:47 [INFO] [LP] admin's Nodes:
14:24:47 [INFO] > luckperms.* (true)
> ab.* (true)
> * (true)
> ab (true)
> ab.kick.use (true)
> bungeecord.command.end (false)
And have myself the admin group as parent, via /lpb user PotterCraft_ parent add admin
>lpb user PotterCraft_ info
14:25:30 [INFO] [LP] > User Info: PotterCraft_
[LP] - UUID: 03c81579-9839-4c0e-bf5e-2d2ece544972
[LP] - Status: Online
[LP] - Primary Group: admin
[LP] - Counts:
[LP] - Permissions: 2
[LP] - Temporary Permissions: 0
[LP] - Prefixes: 0
[LP] - Suffixes: 0
[LP] - Meta: 0
[LP] - Parent Groups:
[LP] - > default
[LP] - > admin
[LP] - Cached Data:
[LP] - Is Loaded: true
[LP] - Current Contexts: (server=bungee) (world=Lobby)
[LP] - Current Prefix: None
[LP] - Current Suffix: None
But, when trying to run any bunge command that I set the permission (like /kick or even /lpb), I am denied by No Permission. Did I do something wrong?
/lpb info:
14:27:25 [INFO] [LP] Running LuckPerms v2.16.60 by Luck.
[LP] - Platform: Bungee
[LP] - Storage Method: H2
[LP] - Server Name: bungee
[LP] - Sync Interval: 3 minutes
[LP] - Counts:
[LP] - Online Players: 15
[LP] - Loaded Users: 15
[LP] - Loaded Groups: 2
[LP] - Loaded Tracks: 0
[LP] - Log size: 12
[LP] - UUID Cache size: 0
[LP] - Translations loaded: 0
[LP] - Pre-process contexts: 9
[LP] - Context Calculators: 2
[LP] - Configuration:
[LP] - Online Mode: true
[LP] - Redis Enabled: false
[LP] - Permission Calculation:
[LP] - Including Global: false
[LP] - Including Global World: true
[LP] - Applying Global Groups: true
[LP] - Applying Global World Groups: true
[LP] - Applying Wildcards: true
[LP] - Applying Regex: true
[LP] - Applying Shorthand: true
[LP] - Server Name: bungee
[LP] - Including Global: false
Read here: https://github.com/lucko/LuckPerms/wiki/Advanced-Setup#server-and-world-specific-permissions