LuckPermsBungeeCord v
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I could not get luckperms to load into bungeecord. BungeeCord would not crash but not configs were created.
Here is the log file. I used an older version and everything seems to be working fine, but I wanted to bring this to you all's attention. I was using the latest version of bungeecord and I also tried waterfall, both provided same outcome.
Further information:
LuckPerms would not load correctly on BungeeCord with version 4.2.31 (errors in hastebin link above).
I suggested to try an older version that I know works on BungeeCord (4.2.22) and it seems to work fine. Not sure which version in between that has broken compatibility with Bungee.
tmoflash said they are running the latest version of BungeeCord.