


Suggestion for promotig

MysteriousKyle opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi, so I want to give multiple people access to give others ranks, but I want to limit it so that they can only give certain ranks. So head builder would only be able to promote someone to t-builder, builder, snr builder, but not have access to give any other ranks. Head admin would be able to promote to tmod, Jr mod and mod, but not to admin or head admin. Manager would be able to promote and demote up to admin, bu not head admin or manager. So basically they would be able to promote only to certain ranks, but can't promote or give themselves higher ranks or the same rank as themselves. Is this possible?


You can create tracks that those players can use, in order to promote persons to certain ranks.
And to make it sure, can you enable and setup argument based permission to limit, what commands those players can use.


Oh, Oki. I'mma try that out as soon as I get a chance. Ty for the info ๐Ÿ˜„