


Track set support

ryall opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Currently we use multiple promotion tracks: "donor" and "staff". When a user purchases from the webstore, we currently cannot use tracks as there is no "set" option and we cannot use promote as the current rank is unknown. Instead we use parent add to assign the new group, which means a user can have multiple donor groups applied to their user, which for me is a little messy.

This feature request is for the ability to do a set on a named track, which would:

  • Check that the specified group exists on the track, or fail
  • Remove all groups of the specified track from the user
  • Add the specified group to the user

The command would be something like:
lp user {name} settrackgroup {trackname} {group}

This would allow me to change a "donor" group, while not affecting the "staff" groups and would keep the groups clean, meaning there aren't multiple groups of the same track applied to the user. If you need further clarification let me know.


Yup, I like the idea.

I will probably also accompany it with a command to remove all track groups.

/lp user Luck parent removetrack staff would remove me from all groups on the staff track.

Additionally, I think /lp user Luck promoteoradd <track> would be useful. (as promote fails if they're not already on the track.)


removetrack would be really useful, I agree.

However, with the promoteoradd command, is there a reason promote needs to fail rather than just adding the user to the first rank in that track? That's actually how I would have expected this to work. I would suggest just making promote have this behaviour if it'll work.


Has this been added to LuckPerms?
You said you added it but I can't use any of the suggested commands.



Took a while but I finally added it. ;)