[plugin interference] Bungeecord error[Solved]
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the first error i get on startup: https://hastebin.com/fawidajaji.rb
then when a player login in: https://hastebin.com/ixipinafag.cs
and for the logout: https://hastebin.com/oxixubewas.pl
i hope you can fix this :)
Can you show me the output of /bungee
, and give a list of the plugins you have installed on the proxy.
The command /bungee
show this:
> 00:51:13 [INFO] This server is running BungeeCord version git:BungeeCord-Bootstrap:1.13-SNAPSHOT:715ec07:1348 by md_5
a list of all the plugin if use on the proxy:
proxy plugin list
Huh, honestly I'm not sure on this one. Will look into it a bit more later, but my guess is some sort of incompatibility with another plugin.
The issue only appears when I add the plugin called "plan" to my proxy. They use HikariCP now. I already ask the dev from the plugin. He told me it was not his plugin that was making the error so he couldn't help me.
Url to the plugin: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/plan-player-analytics.32536/
LP use HikariCP Version 3.2.0: https://github.com/lucko/LuckPerms/blob/fec87d4c6afb4de14ebd7c166a34548f45e29609/common/build.gradle#L32
PPA use HikariCP Version 3.1.0: https://github.com/Rsl1122/Plan-PlayerAnalytics/blob/385772a6a53948463a0cf59460b38104699a1bfe/Plan/pom.xml#L115
It shouldn't really matter, because LuckPerms shades Hikari to it's own namespace.
The issue is due to the loading of SLF4J.
But the question still remains, what plugin is making the issue?? Is it plan or LP.
Uhh, I'm not totally sure at the moment.
I'll do a bit of testing myself and see if I can reproduce the issue :)
i have found the issue, the plugin that makes the issue is not LP or plan. It was MaintenanceMode plugin.
I have opened an issue on Maintenance issue tracker although it is not my plugin that is causing this issue.
Looks like it was BungeeAdminTools causing the issue on my test server
I'd imagine if the loading order was reversed (by adding a dependency on either plugin), the error would occur in the other plugin. :)