webeditor problem: "Target group <group> does not exist"
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If I use the webeditor to set new permissions for group e.g. "moderator" I get ingame the follow messages:
Target group moderator does not exist. No changes were applied from the web weditor. The returned data didn't contain any adits.
With "/lpb group Moderator permission set plots.add hs bauevent" LuckPerms set the permission.
- "/lpb group editor"
- add or delete a permission in the web-interface
- use the "/lpb applyedits ..." command from the web-interface
- LuckPerms version: 4.2.58
- MySQL 8
- no errors or warnings
- BungeeCord + PaperSpigot 1.12.2
notes: I use the feature:
- group-name-rewrite:
- moderator: '&2Moderator'
Update to the latest dev build.