user.getPermissionValue does not check default user
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If the user does not have a permission set with the passed context, it should be checking default user automatically but it does not forcing GP to do it manually here
It does not work
@lucko I just tested with latest dev build and this issue still occurs.
contexts [gp_claim=122b2c6c-abf8-4233-b7c4-b848ec334cd7]
permission griefprevention.flag.block-break.minecraft.grass.source.minecraft.player.0
This is in my default.json
"gp_claim": "122b2c6c-abf8-4233-b7c4-b848ec334cd7"
"griefprevention.flag.block-break": true
[21:43:19] [Server thread/INFO] [STDOUT/]: [me.lucko.luckperms.sponge.service.persisted.PersistedSubject:getPermissionValue:254]: getPermissionValue ImmutableContextSet(contexts={world=[world], gp_claim_defaults=[BASIC]}), node griefprevention.flag.interact-block-primary.minecraft.stone.source.minecraft.player.0, t = FALSE
Restarting the server always works but when I change the value, while in game, it seems LP never updates cache and continues to use the PersistedSubject value. The value above should be returning TRUE yet it returns FALSE since that is the value my subject had on startup.