


Group Removal

tmoflash opened this issue · 10 comments


I cannot leave group.

I was doing some testing to set up stacked prefixes - I finally got it all working. However, I went to remove myself from the groups no longer needed. I did it using in-game commands /lp user [user] parent remove [group] - It still shows up as a prefix. I checked the user file it was no longer there (YAML) I also checked the editor and it is no longer there. I ran /lp reloadconfig /lp sync and also did a restart.

uuid: [my uuid]
name: tmoflash
primary-group: default

  • default
  • owner
  • staff

I also tried to add myself back to the group and then remove.


Ah. So you want these three groups that show.

Your issue is likely inheritance. If you set up inheritance between the groups and you inherit the centaur group somewhere down the line you have that prefix.

You can see which prefixes you inherit and from where by running /lp user <you> meta info


Well kinda. The ultimate goal is for users are in all 3 groups to show up as so. However, this isn't always the case. The way it should look is. If they are in vip, staff, own.

[VIP] [Staff] [Rank] however, I have removed myself from VIP but it still shows up as a prefix, but I am not in that group. I have inheritance setup (it may not be correct) but I do have it set up.
Basic Group
default (peasant) > freeman (parent default) > metics (parent freeman) > tyrant (parent freeman) > hero (parent tyrant)

centaur (parent hero) > minotaur (parent centaur) > olympian (parent minotaur) > titan (parent olympian) > primordial (parent titan)

helper (parent centaur) > mod (parent helper) > admin (parent mod) > headadmin (parent admin) > owner (parent headadmin)


I gave you the command you can use to check which prefixes you inherit from where. If VIP still shows up, then you inherit it indirectly through another group (maybe several layers deep of inheritance)


/lp user [name] info - that command?

If so this is what shows up.

How to I remove that inheritance?


Oh I see command /lp user [name] meta info


No. /lp user <you> meta info. Reading my answers would help.

Anyways you remove the inheritance by changing the group inheritance structure. In other words you need to figure out what the inheritance chain is and change it so that you get the desired behavior. You might end up having to not use inheritance at all or having a set of groups with permissions that use the inheritance like before and the have prefix groups, which inherit from the corresponding normal group and add the desired prefix. And make sure to only assign these groups.


So what I did was added myself to the primordial group as well as the vip group. (VIP is also a track) It showed up correctly once in VIP group. I then removed myself from both the primordial as well as the vip group but [Centaur] shows back up.


It was an inheritance issue as you said. I modified and removed accordingly, did multiple tests adding/removing and it works as intended. Thanks for help.


What’s the output when you remove the groups and you run /lp user <you> info


Output when I run" /lp user [name] parent remove [group]:

This is user info:

This is what the tracks look like (I know that has nothing to do with groups):