Using UTF-8 characters inside Prefix/Suffix instead gives ?.
Seeroh opened this issue · 1 comments
If I try and set a prefix/suffix for a group/player, via command that uses an odd UTF-8 character, it appears fine in the chat, but is saved to the storage as a ?. This is for YAML storage, I haven't tested this with H2 or MySQL at all.
- I set the group prefix via command /lp group default meta addprefix 200 "&f【&8Prefix&f】"
(the odd brackets are the symbols that are not being set correctly) - Chat gives confirmation. [LP] default had prefix "【Prefix】" set at a priority of 200.
- Typing in chat with chat settings enabled to display prefix/suffix show up as ?Prefix? NAME
- Looking at the storage for the group to see the permission node for the prefix shows
prefix.200.&f?&8Prefix&f?: true
I could likely fix this issue through editing the files, but that's not a plausible solution.