


Suggestion: One server permission groups

m4tzess opened this issue · 6 comments


Currently, if I understand it correctly, if a permission needs to be applied to only 1 server in the bungee network, for instance server1, you would need to set the options to server=server1. But if you need to do this for a large quantity of permissions, it would be very time consuming.

My suggestion is, if it doesn't already exist, an option in the creategroup command, to set the server for the group, and an option to set it that the group will only be visible in the server specified.



When you apply a group to a user (or another group as a parent) you are able to use server=<servername> Otherwise, you can use the web-editor to add all the permissions to the group and if you change the server field to the server name, all new permissions you make will be in that server already. So you only have to change the actual permission and it will add the server context.


Agree with Brainstone, I don't see how this is an issue.

I prefer being able to see everything about a group, and not have data hidden depending on where you run the command in the network.

Thanks for the suggestion, but ultimately I think I prefer it the way it is now. :)


I get that you prefer to be able to see all groups, but I think it should atleast be an option to hide some groups depending on which server you're in if you feel like me.



The current data structure simply doesn’t allow such a feature.
Which would mean Luck would have to rewrite a big part of the storage engine and implement an automatic migration process. And that all for admin cosmetics with a very tiny use case (The amount of people that strongly prefer groups being per server (or context) over group assignments being per server (or context) is maximum 0.1% from what I have experienced on the support Discord.)

While I do understand that you prefer it the way you asked to have it, the amount of work Luck would have to put into it is just absolutely disproportionate.

And lastly I think it would actually hurt usability. As that would create a more or less duplicate feature, that can easily lead to confusion and frustration.


I know, but it will still show the group in the whole network, which is not really handy in some use cases.


I don’t see how certain groups designed for one server showing up on all servers is an issue. I mean it’s just visible for admins in the first place.