


give players a permission based on whether they have a certain permission or not

runescapejon opened this issue · 13 comments


Like the title mention give players a permission based on whether they have a certain permission or not possible using bulk command ?


Use groups for that purpose.


I want to do in users not groups


I mean create a group just for these permissions you are talking about. And then give the users this group (users can have multiple groups)


I understand but i prefer doing it in users because sometimes i give permission directly by users. Also when i setup new server with the same group but different permissions with different servers then users who has the group in one server but not in the new server. Having this feature give me the ability to correct this issue. This is one of many reasons on why i am making this suggestion.


You can assign permissions per server and assign groups per server too.

This suggestion has been shut down numerous times because there’s hardly any upside to doing it like that.

Because if permissions go together in a set, a group is what you want.


Yes i know you can assign permissions per server and assign groups also
I am talking about if the user that has the group in server1 which will not be applied onto server2 i would have to manually assign it to them


Then assign them globally?


What do you mean?


If you don’t specify a server a group assignment is global. It applies on all servers. Only exception is if you defined a default context. But then you can still set it to global.


Ohhh oh no i can't because i need the permission separate per server


I wasn’t talking about the permissions. But the groups.

You can assign a group globally and have it have per server permissions. No issue whatsoever.


o.0 you can set the group globally and still have it set per server? i never heard of this and i read the wiki how? if so this suggestion is useless


Well, assign the group globally, and have the group's permissions per server.