CachedData does not support transient lookups
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LP LuckPerms-Bukkit-4.3.90
Paper 1.13.2
There doesn't seem to be a way to grab transient permissions from CachedData.
If I attempt to simply grab all cached data with contexts, I have no way of knowing if the results I am getting back are from transient or persisted.
All of the lookups from within CachedData take account of both enduring (non-transient) and transient permissions.
If you only want to query transient, or only enduring, you can't use CachedData.
If I can't use CachedData nor PermissionHolder, I would have to construct all these methods myself to handle permissions/contexts like Sponge proxies do.
These proxies contain all the required functionality that I will need for Bukkit. If this proxy could be moved to a common interface where I could make the same permission calls as Sponge then I would have no issues.
Which methods in particular? I'm happy to port some of them to the API, but I don't really want to expose the whole PermissionService implementation to all platforms.
I would need the following methods in a common interface to function the same
SubjectData getSubjectData()
SubjectData getTransientSubjectData()
Tristate getPermissionValue(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts, @NonNull String permission)
Optional<String> getOption(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts, @NonNull String key)
Set<Context> getActiveContexts()
boolean hasPermission(@NonNull String permission)
boolean hasPermission(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts, @NonNull String permission)
Map<String, String> getOptions(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts)
Map<String, Boolean> getPermissions(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts)
Map<Set<Context>, Map<String, String>> getAllOptions()
Map<Set<Context>, Map<String, Boolean>> getAllPermissions()
CompletableFuture<Boolean> setOption(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts, @NonNull String key, @Nullable String value)
CompletableFuture<Boolean> setPermission(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts, @NonNull String permission, @NonNull Tristate value)
CompletableFuture<Boolean> clearPermissions(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts)
CompletableFuture<Boolean> clearOptions(@NonNull Set<Context> contexts)
Here are a few of my use cases
All of the data you need to implement those methods is already exposed in the API - it's just in a slightly different format.
You can see how the Sponge implementations are made here:
All of the methods in your "SubjectProxy" list above have equivalents in the CachedData
API interface, and the methods in "SubjectDataProxy" can be implemented using the methods in the PermissionHolder