Luckperms Placeholder error
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Hey ๐ I have a problem with variables
i have a rank vip+8 and plugin FeatherBoard, LuckPermsMVdWHook
The problem is that the variable does not work because of the character "+"
variables: {luckperms_group_expiry_time_vip+8}
Could this be corrected?
Unless the groupname actually is vip+8 than you're not really needing to add the +8
I don't understand
Group name is vip+8 and I can not change the name of this group, so it can be fixed?
Why can't you change the name of the group? There is a re-name command, Just keep in mind with the rename command you need to also update the groups of all users who are in that group, but that can easily be done with bulkupdate