Meta Issues
Closed this issue ยท 3 comments
Luckperms 4.4.5
SpongeForge 1.12.2-2768-7.1.6-RC3652
GriefPrevention 1.12.2-
I currently having issues with the meta set command using YAML setup.
When running the /lp group default meta set griefprevention.initial-claim-blocks 0
I get the following expected entry into the permission file:
- griefprevention.initial-claim-blocks:
value: '0'
But when I do /lp group default meta set griefprevention.blocks-accrued-per-hour 0
It changes the above option to:
- meta.griefprevention\.initial\-claim\-blocks.0:
value: false
and enters the following in its place:
- griefprevention.blocks-accrued-per-hour:
value: '0'
Am I doing something wrong here or is this an issue with luckperms/griefprevention?
The permissions for both don't seem to be working regardless.
Use the meta add
option because meta set
replaces all existing entries with the provided one.
I can't tell if that works that way, and have no experience with griefprevention and if you set stuff through the meta-option, but it's worth a try.