I have a problem with activate Redis
jimmyr57000 opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Good evening everyone!
I currently have a problem that I activate Redis on LuckyPerms my API which also uses Redis this my in error (Error: http://pastebin.com/nn3r6BTj)
It's been 3 days since I search for my I do not find
Thanks you!
Make sure you're packaging the newest Jedis version in your plugin. Seems like there's an issue there?
Those traces don't indicate an issue with LuckPerms specifically.
Ah yeah. I just realised, this is a LuckPerms issue.
I shade this version.
I'll fix that when a get a chance. (probably tomorrow)
I tried to update it in my API
I think the connection system needs to change ..
I get an error in my code! (http://prnt.sc/e2vk2z)
I would probably do with my developer to look at my API :)
Thanks :)
Should be fixed in this build.
Let me know if you have any further issues.