Changes made in API does not sync across the network.
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I'm setting user's prefix on Bungeecord using LuckPerms API but it does not sync with other servers until I /lp sync.
All servers including Bungeecord is connected to the same MariaDB database and using sql as messaging channel.
String tag = "insert tag from database here";
LuckPermsApi api = LuckPerms.getApi();
User u = api.getUserManager().getUser(player.getUniqueId());
if (u == null) return;
u.setPermission(api.getNodeFactory().makePrefixNode(3000, tag).build());
Hi there, the API has methods that allow you to sync the current server, as well as perform a network sync over the messaging service.
api.runUpdateTask(); // "sync" the current server api.getMessagingService().ifPresent(MessagingService::pushUpdate) // perform network sync