Permission with variable
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Hello guys. I will be fast.
It will be 1 month i'm trying to use LuckPerms with FTBUtilities.
I have try so much combos to change the :
"": 50
Somebody can help me ? Maybe we can do a timed ranks on ftbutilities... i found nothing...
Please help
Can you try to rephrase what you're trying?
I can't really understand what you want to achieve here.
Do you want to give permission or a specific group for a certain time to the player/group?
Use either /lp user|group <user|group> permission settemp <permission> <true|false> <time> [modifier] [context]
or /lp user|group <user|group> parent addtemp <group> <time> [modifier] [context]
(Both are linked to their corresponding wiki entry)
Try to set something else temporary?
There are different commands to f.e. add meta information to groups users for a certain time.
Check the wiki.
Sorry for my very bad english :(
I want to set this permission : "": 50
for a group
@chouuul did this work for you?