Unable to set permissions for worlds containing numbers or dashes
bloodmc opened this issue ยท 2 comments
As title states, this is an issue with Forge/Vanilla worlds as they use the default format of "DIM" plus ID so nether would be "DIM-1".
Permissions are just stored as a single string. For example:
only applying on server "survival" gets stored in the file as factions/some.permission
only applying on server "survival" and in world "nether" gets stored in the file as factions-nether/some.other.permission
This is the same for temporary permissions, some.temp.perm
expiring in a few hours from now is stored as some.temp.perm$1486221311
This is just the way I decided to store permissions when I wrote the plugin, it made perfect sense to do so at the time, as it meant for really simple config files.
However, the limitations are pretty annoying, I know. I guess I'll have to do the same thing as with meta nodes, and escape these characters when they get stored. Orrr, just change the layout, which is something I'm not so keen on.
Idk, I'll see what I can do.