


Requested changes for web editor data

Turbotailz opened this issue ยท 7 comments


For the rewrite of the web editor that I'm doing, I need a few things from the plugin side to make some features work.

  • Need the ability to create new groups - currently the applyedits command will only parse groups that exist in the database, if I add groups and try to apply the changes they just get skipped
  • Track data would be useful, a list of tracks and which groups they contain, and a way to update changes to tracks (e.g. new tracks, renamed, re-ordered groups, etc.)
  • LP version info, so I can inform a user that some features may not work if they are using an old version of LuckPerms (and strongly suggest that they update!)
  • A way to add a expired or similar property to an editor session's data stored on Bytebin so we can inform a user that their editor session may not be up to date if they try to access it again after applying changes
  • Allow users to rename and delete groups, as per Turbotailz/LuckPermsWeb#18
  • Is it possible to get a list of known servers/worlds? Would make selecting contexts a lot easier for users.

That's all I can think of at the moment, I will update this issue with more things later if I think of them.


I've started work on some of this.

The format, ("schema" whatever you want to call it) of the JSON payloads sent between the plugin/editor have been changed a bit to reflect the wider changes in v5 of the plugin.

Outgoing request:

	"metadata": {
		"commandAlias": "/lp",
		"uploader": {
			"name": "Luck",
			"uuid": "--uuid here--"
		"time": 12345,
		"pluginVersion": "v5.0.0"

	"permissionHolders": [
			"type": "group",
			"id": "admin",
			"displayName": "Admin",
			"nodes": [
					"type": "permission",
					"key": "",
					"value": true,
					"expiry": 123,
					"context": {
						"server": "factions"
			"type": "user",
			"id": "-- uuid here--",
			"displayName": "Luck",
			"nodes": [
					"type": "permission",
					"key": "",
					"value": true,
					"expiry": 123,
					"context": {
						"server": "factions"

	"tracks": [
			"type": "track",
			"id": "staff",
			"groups": ["helper", "mod", "admin"]

	"knownPermissions": ["essentials", "essentials.ban", "essentials.unban"]

Expected format of incoming request:


	"changes": [
			"type": "group",
			"id": "admin",
			"nodes": [] // in same format as outgoing

			"type": "track",
			"id": "staff",
			"groups": [] // in same format as outgoing
	"groupDeletions": [
	"trackDeletions": [


Is that going to support group renaming? How do you know if a group has been renamed and not a new group?


To rename, just specify the new name of the group in the changes section, and include the old name in groupDeletions.


Oh one other thing, all times for expiry etc are unix timestamps in seconds.

If that attribute isn't included, it's assumed the node doesn't expire.


Is it possible to get a list of known servers/worlds? Would make selecting contexts a lot easier for users.

Adding on to this, is it possible to also get a list of known context keys?


Yep, that's what is provided. :)