


Issue with permissions

ElBananaa opened this issue ยท 25 comments


I'm trying to give managers of my server the permissions to set/remove parents to players. Actually, they can set parent to all players, including ranks higher than theirs. The problem is that they can change ranks of the administrators, and I don't want to. I tried few permissions, and it didn't work.
I also asked for help on discord, and despite the help of several people, my problem persists.
argument-based-command-permissions is set to true in my config file, and here is the complete verbose content:

Is there a way to solve my issue?
Thanks in advance for any reply.


Just to be sure, did you restart the server after enabling argument-based-permissions in the LP config? Not just a reload.

And what LP version are you using?


Just to be sure, did you restart the server after enabling argument-based-permissions in the LP config? Not just a reload.

And what LP version are you using?

I did, and i'm using the latest version (v5.0.8)


@lucko ya broke it!


Could you send a link to the actual verbose results instead of just a picture :)


Could you send a link to the actual verbose results instead of just a picture :)

I already sent a link before, but here it is:


Did you execute the commands the players should not be able to run while you had verbose enabled?


Try removing luckperms.user.parent.set


Did you execute the commands the players should not be able to run while you had verbose enabled?

Yes I did, and here is the verbose link


Try removing luckperms.user.parent.set

I tried, but if I remove this permission, the moderators can't define the rank of anybody.


@lucko Did you mean results of the complete verbose (without filter)?


I meant a verbose showing the issue, i.e. them having access to set admin ranks


I meant a verbose showing the issue, i.e. them having access to set admin ranks

They don't have access to the admin ranks. They can't set their own role or players role to admin, but they can change admin ranks to lower ranks like moderator, player, vip... (They should be able to set people vip or moderator, but they shouldn't be able to change the ranks of the admins).

For the verbose, I'll send you one as soon as I get to my computer ^^


It seems to be returning correctly?


@lucko It does, But as I said, the problem is that moderators can set parent for the administrators, whereas they shouldn't be able to.


Here is the complete verbose


On the screen under, you can see that I can set the default group as a moderator (Which is what I want), the problem is that I can set the default group to everyone, including administrators (While I should not be able to) I hope it's a little clearer (And btw, thanks for help ๐Ÿ˜ƒ)



In short they have argument based perms enabled but none of them seem to be checked.


In short they have argument based perms enabled but none of them seem to be checked.

Argument based perms are enabled, and they are working, because I use permissions like luckperms.user.parent.set.admin which is set to false, so they can't use the command /lp user test parent set admin as example.
I don't know if this is useful, but here is my lp editor (Hope It could help you):


So then doesn't that solve your initial issue then?
Because initally you said that exactly that isn't working.


So then doesn't that solve your initial issue then?
Because initally you said that exactly that isn't working.

I just noticed that I had not expressed myself well in my initial message, I just modified it.


So you want to prevent group a from being able to remove group b from people being in group c?


So you want to prevent group a from being able to remove group b from people being in group c?

Yep, that's it. Sorry if i'm not very clear ๐Ÿ˜…


Do all players in group c also have group b?


No they don't. Since group c has permission '*', I thought it wasn't necessary


Duplicate of #1512