sql exception
Closed this issue · 9 comments
I get this https://hatebin.com/lizbknwjsq with using this command "lp user %player% meta setprefix 1 &6◆Bronze◆ towny"
I believe it only happens when symbols are included in the command. I am using lp v. 4.4.1
This seems to be related to #1586, but as you can see in the screenshots the table is using the utf8mb4 encoding,
Did you actually try it with the latest download?
It may have been already fixed as 4.4.1 is not the newest version at all.
Should not make any difference in this case, since 4.4.1 was released after the fix introduced is response to the original issue. And the tables look like they should with that fix.
This is with the current version
Prefix assigning from game in game command with symbols in prefix cause this.
I'm not sure this is a LP issue to be honest - can't see how it could be doing anything wrong encoding wise. Might be a case of https://github.com/lucko/LuckPerms/wiki/Storage-system-errors
Collation of the messaging table isn't set to utf8_mb4, so; Will be using the platform default