Plugin not responding
invaded opened this issue · 17 comments
I have a custom spigot which generates the config files at /config/ instead of /plugins/ so basically my entire configs for server etc is on my /config/(plugin-name) instead of /plugins/(plugin-name).
Luckperms commands doesn't work at all since I have done that, may I get some fixes? (Using latest version) thanks!
That is an actual setting in spigot to change the name of the plugins folder.
And I don't think LP breaks because of that.
What plugins are you even using?
§7§l[§b§lL§3§lP§7§l] §cA database error occurred whilst loading permissions data. Please try again later. If you are a server admin, please check the console for any errors.
Yeah you're right, my fault.
You need to use the LP legacy version from here:
As the server platform/jar. Not the LP plugin jar.
This is also a prime example of an issue that could have been solved on the Discord waaaaay faster.
Send me discord please. I did my research and still couldn't find it and could you clarify what you meant with your question above?
He clearly asked you, if you run a modded server with plugins (a mixture of spigot and forge if you will)
One type would be Kauldron.
Also the Discord is linked on the or on the Wiki.
That is an actual setting in spigot to change the name of the plugins folder.
And I don't think LP breaks because of that.
What plugins are you even using?
"Custom, This is an actual setting in spigot to change the of the plugins folder" To clarify that my spigot has a lot of optimizations, potion modifier, new commands etc. To test out if there was any plugins breaking it I decided to just run WorldEdit, Vault and LuckPerms. Still doesn't work. - error.
[11:41:46 INFO]: Plugins (3): LuckPerms, WorldEdit, Vault.
But anyways who cares about what my spigot has, I just need this fixed if possible.