


User data

falken91 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Hi I'm using luckperms in my spigot server 1.15.1 and I save all the data as YAML format. My problem is that user folder don't add user data unless I gave them a rank, like admin or stuff. By the way, if I check user data on the server for default user, the information is correct but don't generate the file.

Sorry about my english, I'm from Argentina, greetings.


This is intentional.
LP doesn't save any user-information if they only have the default group assigned. This was made to keep storage space low as you don't need to save a user that only has the default group.

We also recommend to not edit groups and users manually through the yaml files.
Use the web editor instead.


Oh thanks for the quick reply! It's clear now!