Prefix stopped working on Luck Perms 1.15.2
freezeline opened this issue ยท 12 comments
My prefix worked very good, but last time i joined my server my prefix was gone, i typed "/lp user Freeze_Line info" and i had prefix "Owner" but when i typed "hi" i saw this "[world]<Freeze_Line> hi" i don't know what happend and what to do.
LuckPerms does not handle the chat. Your chat plugin does. So there's an issue with your chat plugin, not LP (as you demonstrated with the /lp user Freeze_Line info
Reach out to the support of your chat plugin.
Neither do I. Though this isn't the right place because LP clearly still works as intended.
What map are you talking about?
You are supposed to reach out to their support.
Google is a thing too.