GriefPrevention permission gets overwritten
Sir-Will opened this issue ยท 7 comments
there seems to be an issue with LuckPerms which causes the permissions set by /cfg
command from GP to overwrite. This did only happen with h2 and MySQL but not json.
More info here: https://github.com/MinecraftPortCentral/GriefPrevention/issues/349
An indication of how to reproduce the issue would be good, or even what the issue is? /cfg is not a LuckPerms command, so I don't understand why you're posting it here?
Can you give me code to test with?
That's why I linked the issue from the GriefPrevention repo which includes that information.
No, show me proof this is a LP issue. I need reproducible test code. As I said previously, /cfg is a GP feature. Nothing to do with me.
@lucko https://github.com/MinecraftPortCentral/GriefPrevention/blob/master/src/me/ryanhamshire/griefprevention/command/CommandClaimFlagGroup.java#L125
Those are what I am calling for /cfg commands.
@Sir-Will Provide an export of the data when it breaks.