Errer, timeout by the Mysql login
Opened this issue ยท 18 comments
When i start my Lobby Server the Console says that:
and Than he stops to start
The log you posted here is identical to the one a user sent me on Discord.
Anyway, my reply was "does it happen after every startup, or only once?"
Can you try with the latest build from here please: https://ci.lucko.me/job/LuckPerms/
Same Problem
here is also the Latest Log
in the Latest log can you see that he trys to download Drivers but failed, can i download then
manually or do something else ?
The drivers are being downloaded fine. I don't really understand the issue with the duplicate entries though.
You still haven't answered my question clearly, does this happen after every startup, or only when you run the plugin for the first time?
when i start the Server LuckPerms is loading, than i see the error Message and than it stops to start the Server, i cant even start my Server.so ist happen after every setup
Alright, couple of questions:
- Have you modified the table prefix setting in the config?
- Have you tried to modify the database manually previously?
- Which database server are you using?
1.I dont modify anything in the config, only the Login for the Database
2.What do you mean with this ?
3. MySQL
2.What do you mean with this ?
Have you manually edited anything in the DB, or used some tool to change the data directly?