Question regarding a Java 14 issue.
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So, I searched for previous issues prior to creating this and found issue #2120. This is a duplicate of my issue, and I'm currently using LuckPerms 5.0.72, which I believe is older than the c3128de commit you mentioned in that issue.
Proof of being a duplicate:
My question is this - how do I go about using this commit? I've never learned how to compile a jarfile from GitHub, and before digging into that, I want to be certain of what exactly I'm supposed to do to use this edit you made.
Minor edit:
Apparently despite throwing an error, LuckPerms still correctly assigned permissions:
Does this mean I have nothing to be concerned about? Or are there issues which may occur that still require me to use the commit you made? for downloads. for downloads.
Huh. Well, today I learned LuckPerms has a dedicated website and Jenkins. I've only ever been aware of the GitHub and Spigot page. Thank you, @BrainStone.
I'll test the latest dev build (5.0.128) and see if it resolves the issue.
Okay, updating from 5.0.72 to 5.0.128 resolved this issue. Thank you again, @BrainStone.