LuckPerms not Syncing
garrettpfoy opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hello! I've coded a Restful API Integration for Minecraft which hooks into Luckperms, however whenever a player joins, one of the ranks aren't displayed until ./lp sync is done, or some sort of query is sent.
I use the following code to set the group:
for(String group : groups) {
if(checkIfRole(group, config)) {
Node temp = Node.builder("group." + group)
.withContext(DefaultContextKeys.SERVER_KEY, "global")
This works as intended, however when it comes down to another set of groups I set, it doesn't update in chat or tag places until sync'd, however they are a part of the group. This is not to do with the chat plugin as we have tested it on different plugins, and both present the same issue.
I save the user via:
permission.getMessagingService().get().pushUpdate(); permission.getUserManager().saveUser(permission.getUserManager().getUser(playerUUID)); permission.getGroupManager().loadAllGroups();
I am running Luckperms version 5.0.78
Running bungeecord
Not in offline mode
Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated!
I've double checked and the save methods I posted above are being run
Additionally I have updated to the newest version and nothing has changed