


LuckPerms not Syncing

garrettpfoy opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Hello! I've coded a Restful API Integration for Minecraft which hooks into Luckperms, however whenever a player joins, one of the ranks aren't displayed until ./lp sync is done, or some sort of query is sent.

I use the following code to set the group:

for(String group : groups) {
                if(checkIfRole(group, config)) {
                    Node temp = Node.builder("group." + group)
                            .withContext(DefaultContextKeys.SERVER_KEY, "global")

This works as intended, however when it comes down to another set of groups I set, it doesn't update in chat or tag places until sync'd, however they are a part of the group. This is not to do with the chat plugin as we have tested it on different plugins, and both present the same issue.

I save the user via:
permission.getMessagingService().get().pushUpdate(); permission.getUserManager().saveUser(permission.getUserManager().getUser(playerUUID)); permission.getGroupManager().loadAllGroups();

I am running Luckperms version 5.0.78
Running bungeecord
Not in offline mode

Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated!


Make sure you're definitely calling saveUser after making your modifications.


I've double checked and the save methods I posted above are being run

Additionally I have updated to the newest version and nothing has changed


Can be marked as solved, changed my modification type to InheritanceNode