Bungeecord Context seperation
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Imgur: https://imgur.com/a/agKCi66
Here's my question:
ShockChargeToday at 5:05 PM
have anyone answered my question?
about seperating a server=bungee to be only used in a specfic server context like server=survival but can't be used on server=faction
or i need to use this instead?
ShockChargeToday at 5:11 PM
i'm asking about perms
since the permission requires a bungee, is there any way Luckperms has a method on seperating those access, network servers already done this, and i myself don't know how to make that possible.
they're also using Luckperms
TobiToday at 5:16 PM
So you want a permission for a bungee plugin only on the Bungee if the user is in a specific server? Try using server=bungee world=survival to target the survival server
ShockChargeToday at 5:16 PM
and the context doesn't allow that
or i'm just dumb asf
okay let me try this
Tobi asked me to try-it-out but after i said it ben ask me to report it as a bug, so here you go! :)
try just setting world=survival
. Also, a brief first-person description of your problem would be appreciated - snippets of the conversation in the discord aren't really as useful