


Minor error on wiki?

CrypticCabub opened this issue ยท 2 comments


in the Context page for the LuckPerms wiki is the following statement:

"Crucially, for a permission/parent/meta value to apply, the player must satisfy all of the contexts required by the value. (when I say satisfy, I mean their current context set must contain all of the contexts required by the value - or mathematically, the players context set must be a subset of the value's context set)"

Should this not say that the player's context must be a superset of the value's context (or conversely the value's context must be a subset of the player's context)?

Apologies if my mathematical set vocabulary is faulty in this circumstance.


I think you have a good point but that's been recently changed - you no longer have to fulfill all the values, just one of each type. A rewrite is in progress.


Wiki has been updated to resolve this, thanks :)