[BUG / REQUEST ] Allow and Deny not processed correctly
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Hi i noticed that if a lower level deny gets put as an allow higher up it works correctly
BUT ... When on the SAME level i have a ALLOW all and add a DENY 1 world it will still ALLOW ALL
Expected behaviour is to load all ALLOW first per level, overwriting lower ones then layering it with the DENIES for that level.
aka i have someone added to a group for all worlds with the perms belonging to that but want to DENY the perms for only one (anarchy) world.
i could list all worlds except the one but then if i add more worlds i have to keep adding them.
So if possible do ALLOW first then DENY so if i add more worlds they will be allowed and the one i dont want denied
Global contexts should be overridden by specific ones, so if you set it to allow a permission everywhere and then set the same permission to false in a world, the false one should be taking precedence. If you're sure it isn't, would you mind sending your editor link and describing which group's perms are not applying. The Advanced Setup section of the wiki explicitly covers this as something that should already be happening, so any more info would be appreciated! Thanks!
basically my head builder wanted his perms taken off on the anarchy server
so he had:
group.headbuilder TRUE NEVER NONE
to take his perms on anarchy i added:
this did not take away his permissions.
I ended up just setting the global one false so now he has no perms till he asks me to reinstate them
Make sure that server: anarchy matches the name of the actual anarchy server as defined in the LP config
just checked (i know i made that error before when copying to a new server...)
it is: server: anarchy so correctly put, when he is on again (tomorrow most likely since it is now almost 5.30 AM here) i will try once more
Ok 2nd test same result, i pasted his permission set (the one where the FALSE doesnt overwrite the TRUE) below