Can't do /lp editor
NXxEpicXCreeperxX opened this issue ยท 14 comments
Doing /lp editor just says it makes an editor
then can't access it, no link or anything
I guess I might have to reset my config to fix the issue and redo all permissions?
Version: LuckPerms 5.1.62
Check for errors in the console and no, you dont have to reset anything. At least not at this point.
Try the latest version again. Chances are it's caused by the server, not the plugin.
We won't tell you the newer one is okay to use until you give us the logs where you run the editor command like BrainStone wanted. As how can we "fix" something without you giving us proof it's actually broken?
Any errors in the console?
And then use the older version again, but please provide errors you see in the console. Else we can't diagnose or fix it.
here's my log https://hasteb.in/uwecilar.md