Placeholder not working on 1.16
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First, get latest version of LuckPerms:
Also, ensure you got the placeholder API extension installed:
Then, screenshot what you get for /papi parse me %luckperms_check_permission_winnerthree.perm%
Latest version is installed, as well for the placeholder expansion. When I parse it, it results into "Ja" which means "Yes", so I have no idea why it doesn't actually work ^^
If /papi parse
shows the correct placeholder, means both LuckPerms and Placeholder API is working. Do look into the plugin that you are using to display the placeholder, and possibly contacting the dev of that plugins. Thanks!
The thing is, bossshoppro works fine with the same version on 1.15, and any other stats work fine too. It's just this specific one from luckperms.
Could it not be something in spigot or paper 1.16?
Same for me... Im using LuckPerms placeholder in BungeeTabListPlus (supports 1.16) and placeholders from luckperms arent displayed.
There's nothing special about the placeholders for 1.16 - if /papi parse is displaying the correct value, LP is working correctly.
Ja is "yes", no? That placeholder will return a yes or no if they have the permission or not.
It's yes indeed, and it only works when I parse it, I can not get it to work in any plugin. Other PAPI expansions work fine
As Luck mentioned, the fact that it parses correctly means that everything is working on the LP side. I'm really unsure what in the chain of displaying it could be causing that, however as Ben mentioned, something is going wrong between PAPI and whichever plugin you're trying to get to display the placeholder.