[bug] 919 Errors Using Export/Import to move from Yaml to Mysql for user storage
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I was using Yaml storage for everything and wanted just my users in MySQL, Using the MariaDB driver. To do this, I used the export feature, stopped the server, changed the split storage type to mariadb for "users" then ran the import. The database populated with the users ranks, but there was a massive 919 error message that has got me worried. Some users have specific permissions (1 or two) and multiple ranks that I don't want to have to deal with lost ranks in converting form yaml to mysql.
So to be safe, lets figure out why this happened.
My Settings:
storage-method: yaml
watch-files: true
enabled: true
user: mariadb
group: yaml
track: yaml
uuid: yaml
log: yaml
A zerobin of the errors, as I hit the max with pastebin!
My theory is that its attempting to import the permissions I have setup, but since its disabled in the split-storage, as I already have the yaml files with permissions existing already, its throwing errors as the export exports all data not just the users, like im doing in this example. So when I import its getting stuck as my permissions are already yaml and exist!