


Bulk Update Auto-Backup

underscore11code opened this issue ยท 2 comments


All too often in the support channels, we find people who haven't heeded the "take a backup" suggestion before using a bulkupdate command, and regretting it. As such, adding an automatic export before running a bulkupdate command would be quite helpful.

How it would work/what changes:

  • Option added to config to take backups before bulkupdate commands (defaulting to true of course)
  • Before executing the update, the export logic would run, and prompt in chat the appropriate import command the user should run, should their update have unintended effects.

Couple things I see with this that may be a concern:
Default to true would help idiot-proof, but may anger server owners that don't want their storage space used up
What happens if there's already a backup? Does it make a new one, with a new name, or replace the old one? I can see problems with both - a new one fills up the storage every time a bulk's run, while replacing might remove a backup they actually need from 2 bulks ago, before the user noticed anything was wrong.

Perhaps using a web-upload export would solve some of these problems, we could just have it say "To revert this bulk, run lp import <code> --upload. Be warned this reversion will only be available temporarily!"


Oh yeah I forgot Turbo had added that feature. Yeah, using bytebin to hold it would probably be best.