


Permission unset commands takes `false` value of permission as context `server=false` when unsetting permission

Laarryy opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Accidentally discovered this watching pop4959 livestream EssX tpr functionality. No idea what causes it but it is indeed rather misleading.
What happens:

Command used to see bug:
/lp user pop4959 permission set essentials.afk false essentials:afk=false world=world
/lp user pop4959 permission unset essentials.afk false essentials:afk=false world=world


If I remember correctly, you don't need a true/false for the unset command. Try running it without false and see if it works.


You're totally right that you don't need to, however the output is what I am reporting here - it says it (edit: can't ) unset in context server=false but does not, it unsets in the global context


if you want it to unset in the global context run the command without the false

right now it appears that it isn't doing anything at all except telling you it can't unset the permission because the permission isn't set


You're totally right again - that's exactly what it says - however, it still unsets the permission


so if you set the permission essentials.afk for the user, then you remove it with the word false, you are saying the message luckperms sends doesn't accurately represent what happens?

could you maybe try and list the permissions and send them here both before you run the add permission command, after you run the add permission command, and once you run the remove permission command?

it doesn't seem like it should be removing it, but if it is then i guess it might be a bug.


I mean, I tested it, as did pop4959. I'm not saying there's something I need help with - I don't even run a server. I'm simply reporting the bug as I see it. When you set the false permission, it sets it. When you run the unset command I said above, it says it can't unset it, but actually seems to unset it just fine while not outputting that.


Seems to be working as expected: